We can see some competitive deals from the Netherlands to the Philippines available thanks to the promotion of Xiamen Airlines. (Members of SkyTeam alliance). The cheapest return tickets from Amsterdam to Manila are available for €410. This is for a roundtrip flight including checked-in luggage in the base fare (as well as all airport taxes, onboard meals, and handbags). Below you can refer to our booking sample if you are interested in this bargain deal to this beautiful country in South East Asia. You can book your accommodation in the Philippines via Booking.com or Hotels.com.
Flying from: Amsterdam
Flying to: Manila
Airline(s): XiamenAir
Luggage: 1x23kg bag
Outbound travel dates: May and June 2025
Max stay: 3 months
Book by: Unknown
Booking samples
Booking sample of cheap Xiamen Airlines full-service flights to the Philippines for €410 roundtrip! In this case, you would depart from Amsterdam to Manila on the 23rd of May returning from South East Asia to Europe on the 6th of June 2025.