Non-stop low-cost flights from London to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for £207!

Non-stop low-cost flights from London to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for £207!


Flexible travellers in the UK who can book their next flight a lot in advance may consider this newest routes from London Gatwick Airport to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia available with low-cost carrier WIZZ Air. The airline is offering greatly priced non-stop flights from London to Jeddah available just for £207. If you are not a WIZZ Discount Club member you can get a bargain return trip to the UK for £225 as their Basic fare. These flights are for roundtrip and inclusive of all taxes, fees, and one item of under-seat carry-on luggage. Checked luggage is available for an additional fee.


Flying from: London Gatwick

Flying to:  Jeddah

Airline(s): WizzAir

Luggage: Small cabin bag

Travel period: May, the beginning of July and September 2025

Book by: Unknown


Booking sample

London to Jeddah for £207 with or £225 without a WIZZ Air membership


Booking sample of cheap non-stop return flights from the UK to Saudi Arabia for £207! As per our booking, your outbound flight from London to Jeddah on the 10th of May and your return from the Middle East to the United Kingdom on the 17th of May 2025.

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