Return flights from Vienna to Split, Croatia from €20!


Travelers in Austria have some great options to book a deal with a low-cost airline Wizzair and fly cheaply to Split in Croatia for just €20 roundtrip! Note that the price is valid with a Wizz Discount Club membership but even non-members can book bargain tickets on this route available for €40. Considering the offer is valid over the summer holiday this is an excellent deal for anyone who would like to visit the southern part of Croatia!


With WIZZ, the fare class is Standard. The fare class is Basic. The cheapest price is available when booking with the WIZZ Discount Club which you can join from €39.99 for a year’s membership for 2 people. The membership is not required for bookings although you will pay slightly more for your flights. Full details of the WIZZ Discount Club benefits can be found here.


Flying from: Vienna

Flying to: Split

Airline(s): WizzAir

Luggage: Small cabin bag

Travel period: September 2024

Book by: Unknown

You can book your accommodation in Croatia with the best rates over at or


Booking sample

Vienna to Split for €19.98 / €39.98  (with/without WDC membership)


Booking sample of cheap return flights from Austria to Croatia for just €20! Outbound from Vienna to Split on the 28th of August. Inbound from Croatia back to Germany on the 4th of September 2024.

Tips for cheap flights and promo deals
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