Multi-city flights from London to Dubai & Istanbul from £179!

Cheap multi-city flights from London to Dubai & Istanbul from £179!

More multi-city deals from the United Kingdom with a stop-over in Istanbul are available with a well-ranked Turkish Airlines this time we have prepared for you a solution to the United Arab Emirates. Multi-city flights from London to Istanbul and Dubai at once are available for £179! To reach the lowest fare available you would have to book multi-city flights with (at least) one day stop in Istanbul. Of course, you can also book classic return flights. (Available from £201). However, as usual, you need to pay extra for a stop-over on your way this is a perfect solution for adventurers that would like to visit more beautiful cities and countries at once. All the below options are for a roundtrip flight incl. all taxes onboard meals and handbags.


Flying from: London Stansted

Flying to: Dubai, Istanbul

Airline(s): Turkish Airlines/AnadoluJet

Luggage: Handbag only

Outbound travel dates: January  and the beginning of February 2023

Max stay: 3 months

Book by: Unknown


Booking sample

London  to Istanbul to Dubai for £179

London  to Dubai for £201


Booking sample of cheap Turkish Airlines flights from the UK to the UAE for £179! In this case, you would depart from London to Dubai DXB airport on the 11th of January. Return from the Middle East country back to the United Kingdom on the 20th of January 2023.

Multi-city flights from London to Dubai & Istanbul from £179!

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