Return flights from Copenhagen to Bahrain just for €175!

Return flights from Copenhagen to Bahrain just for €175!


There are some very rarely seen bargain flights from Scandinavia to Bahrain available with Turkish Airlines/AnadoluJet. The cheapest return flights from Copenhagen to Manama are available just for €175! The base fare is including airport taxes, onboard meals, and handbags. You can purchase checked-in luggage separately for an extra fee. If you are near to one of the above cities and want to visit this country in the Middle East do not miss this rare opportunity and book one of the cheapest flights on this route we have ever seen!


Flying from: Copenhagen

Flying to: Manama

Airline(s): Turkish Airlines/AnadoluJet

Luggage: handbag

Outbound travel dates: January to March 2023

Max stay: You must complete all travel by the 28th of December

Book by: Unknown


Booking samples

Copenhagen to Manama for €175


Booking sample of cheap Turkish Airlines flights from Scandinavia to Bahrain for €175! In this case, you would depart from Copenhagen to Manama on the 9th of March. Your return flight from this country in the Middle East back to Europe would be on the 16th of March 2023.

Return flights from Copenhagen to Bahrain just for €175!

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