Thomas Cook charter flights from Manchester to Tobago £378! (High Season)

Thomas Cook charter flights from Manchester to Tobago £400!

Planning your next amazing Caribbean holidays is possible with charter airlines Thomas Cook. Return flights from Manchester to Tobago (Crown Point)  throughout  whole main tourist season 2019-2020 are now available for £378. Fare is including all taxes and fees and 6kg hand bag. Note that there is no checked luggage in base fare only available for extra fee. Thomas Cook promotion is based on direct service where outbound leg is a non-stop flight and inbound leg has short stop in Barbados.



At this moment the cheapest flights from UK to Caribbean isle Tobago are available from November 2019 to March 2020. Below you may find sample dates however at this moment  very limited seats are available in said travel period. To check all details or other travel options you can easily check directly at the website of Thomas Cook Airlines. (Choose month´s view when searching).


Booking sample

Manchester – Tobago for £378


Travel date samples

17.11. – 1.12.

1.12. – 8.12.

19.1. – 2.2.

26.1. – 9.2.

9. – 23.2.

8. – 15.3.

15. – 22.3.


If you need to book your accommodation in Trinidad & Tobago you may use or consider following promo codes offered by, Hotelopia or Venere.


Booking sample of cheap Thomas Cook charter flights from Manchester to Tobago £378! In this case you would depart from the United Kingdom to Caribben on 19th of January. Your return flight from this tropical paradise back to Europe would be two weeks later, on 2nd of February 2020.

Thomas Cook charter flights from Manchester to Tobago £378!

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