Cheap flights from Berlin to Borneo (Kuching, Kota Kinabalu) for €350!

Cheap flights from Berlin to Kuching, Borneo for €350!


Low-budget travelers that do not mind traveling only with handbags may consider this promotion based on low-cost long-haul airlines Scoot from Berlin to Kuching, the Malaysian side of incredible Borneo! Return flights are available from €350 incl. all taxes and handbags. If you would need onboard meals and/or checked luggage you can only purchase it for an extra fee… Note that the cheapest option requires a long layover in Singapore at least in one direction. But if you are looking for the cheapest option from Europe to this part of Borneo this is by far the cheapest solution!

You can easily compare all the cheapest flights with Scoot. Just click on the “See whole month” icon. Below you can refer to our booking and few travel date samples.


*UPDATE* – Adding deal to Kota Kinabalu including open-jaw flights returning from Kuching which is the only option that does not require a long layover in Singapore. If interested please refer to our updated booking samples below.


Flying from: Berlin

Flying to: Kuching, Miri

Airline(s): Scoot

Luggage: handbag

Outbound travel dates: September and October 2022

Max stay: 3 months

Book by: 11th of April


Booking sample

Berlin to Kuching for €350

Berlin to Kota Kinabalu for €359

Berlin to Miri returning from Kuching for €393

Berlin to Kota Kinabalu returning from Kuching for €409


Booking sample of cheap flights from Germany to Borneo for €350! As per the above link, you would depart from Berlin to Kuching on the 26th of September returning from the Malaysian side of Borneo back to Germany on the 6th of October 2022.

Cheap flights from Berlin to Kuching, Borneo for €350!

Tips for cheap flights and promo deals
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