Non-stop Saudia flights to Riyadh and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia from Rome for €175!

Non-stop Saudia flights to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia from Milan for €162!


Travellers in Italy have a very rare chance to book discounted non-stop flights to Saudi Arabia with flag airline carrier Saudia (SkyTeam)! The cheapest non-stop return flights from Rome to Jeddah and Riyadh are available for €175! However, in case of departures from Italy, please note that in this particular case, there is no checked-in luggage included in the base fare. (Otherwise, Saudia is a regular full-service carrier on all other destinations).


Flying from: Rome Fiumicino

Flying to: Jeddah, Riyadh

Airline(s): Saudia

Luggage: Handbag only

Outbound travel dates: April to July or September 2025

Max stay: 3 months

Book by: Unknown


Booking sample

Rome to Riyadh for €175

Rome to Jeddah for €184


See also:


Booking sample of cheap Saudia flights to Saudi Arabia for €175! As per our booking, your outbound flight from Rome to Riyadh International Airport will be on the 8th of May returning from the Middle East to Europe on the 15th of May 2025.

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