Business Class flights to Entebbe, Uganda from London for £1325!

Business Class flights to Entebbe, Uganda from London for £1325!


British travelers can benefit from the current RwandAir´s sale offering discounted Business Class flights from London to Entebbe, Uganda available for £1325! This fare includes all taxes and fees, onboard meals, handbags, and 2x23kg checked-in luggage. The long haul route has a proper business class product offering flatbed seats and the flights usually have one short layover in Kigali.


Fare Class: Business (()

Plane(s): A330-200 (LHR-KGL)

Seating: 1-2-1  (flat bed seats)


Flying from: London Heathrow

Flying to: Entebbe

Airline(s):  RwandAir

Luggage: 2x23kg bags

Outbound travel dates: April to the beginning of June or September 2024 to February 2025

Max stay: 12 months

Book by: Unknown


Booking samples

London to Entebbe for £1325


Booking sample of RwandAir Business Class flights to Uganda for £1325 return! In this case, you will depart from London to Entebbe on the 20th of September returning from this country in Africa to Europe on the 27th of September 2024.

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