Cheap Oneworld flights from Spain to Chicago for €279!

Non-stop Iberia/American Airlines flights from Spain to Chicago for €252!


Another great discount based on the service of Oneworld Airlines this time the promotional sale of Iberia and American Airlines when traveling from Barcelona or Madrid to Chicago. Cheap (non-stop) flights are available for €279 incl. all taxes and fees, meals, and handbags. Checked luggage for an extra fee. You can then book this deal directly with Iberia or your preferred booking agent. If interested in this offer you can refer to our booking samples below.


Flying from: Barcelona, Madrid

Flying to: Chicago

Airline(s): Iberia, American Airlines

Luggage: Handbag

Outbound travel dates: February to May 2025  (excl. Easter Holidays)

Max stay: 3 months

Book by: Unknown


Booking sample

Barcelona to Chicago for €279

Barcelona to Chicago for €282  (Outbound is a non-stop service)


Madrid to Chicago from €379  (Non-stop flights)



You can book your accommodation in Chicago via Also, you can further discount your hotel when using one of the following promo codes.

Hotelopia 6% discount


Booking sample of cheap Oneworld Iberia/American Airlines flights from Spain to Chicago for €279! As per the above link, you will depart from Barcelona to the USA on the 19th of February. Return from America to Spain on the 26th of February 2025. The promotion is based on American Airlines and Iberia´s service.

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