Star Alliance airline Lufthansa offers cheap return flights from Dublin to Nairobi, Kenya. These flights have one short layover in Frankfurt and are available for €458. The base fare includes all airport taxes and fees, onboard meals, and handbags. You can easily compare all the cheapest travel dates at the website of the airline (offering a low-cost calendar view).
Flying from: Dublin
Flying to: Nairobi
Airline(s): Lufthansa/Eurowings
Luggage: Handbag only
Outbound travel dates: November and the first half of December 2025
Max stay: 3 months
Book by: Unknown
Booking samples
Europe to Nairobi from €445 (Etihad promotion)
Booking sample of cheap Lufthansa flights to Kenya for €458! As per the above, your outbound flight from Dublin to Nairobi will be on the 4th of November. The inbound flight from Africa to Europe on the 18th of November 2025.