Full-service deal from Dublin to Moroni, Comoros for €515!

Full-service deal from Dublin to Moroni, Comoros for €506!


Experienced travelers may consider this SkyTeam deal from Ireland to Comoros with partner airlines Air France, KLM, and Kenya Airways. Based on their service you can book fairly priced return flights from Dublin to Moroni for €515 incl. checked-in luggage included in the base fare. Limited availability in said travel period though…


Flying from: Dublin

Flying to: Moroni

Airline(s): Kenya Airways

Luggage: 2x23kg bag

Outbound travel dates: January to March 2024

Max stay: 12 months

Book by: Unknown


Booking samples

Dublin to Moroni for €515


Booking sample of cheap full-service return flights from Ireland to Comoros for €515! Outbound from Dublin to Moroni on the 30th of January. Inbound from Comoros back to Ireland on the 13th of February 2024.

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