Iberia flights from Spain to Panama City for €522!

Non-stop Iberia flights from Madrid to Panama City for €472!


Flexible travelers in Spain may consider this last-minute deal from Spain to Panama City based on the flag carrier airline of Spain and Oneworld member Iberia offering return flights on the said route for €522. This is for a round-trip ticket incl. all taxes and fees as well as a handbag. Checked luggage for an additional fee. Very limited availability though so be quick if this is an offer of your interest…


Flying from: Bilbao, Barcelona

Flying to: Panama City

Airline(s): Iberia

Luggage: handbag

Outbound travel dates: November 2023 and March to April 2024

Max stay: 3 months

Book by: Unknown


Booking sample

Bilbao to Panama City for €522

Barcelona to Panama City for €522


Booking sample of Iberia cheap non-stop Iberia flights from Spain to Panama for €522! You would depart from Bilbao to Panama City on the 16th of November. Return from Central America back to Spain on the 26th of November 2023.

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