High season cheap return flights to Venezuela from Brussels for €519!

Cheap return flights to Venezuela from Switzerland, France or Italy from €351!


Experienced travelers may consider this latest Iberia promotion offering fairly priced return flights to  Venezuela from Belgium. The cheapest flights from Brussels to Caracas are available for €519 with one (usually) short layover in Madrid on both ways. Checked luggage for an additional fee otherwise this is including all taxes, meals, and handbags.


Flying from: Brussels

Flying to: Caracas

Airline(s): Iberia

Luggage: handbag

Outbound travel dates: July to November 2024

Max stay: 1 month

Book by: Unknown


Booking samples

Brussels to Venezuela from €519


Booking sample of cheap return flights to Venezuela from Europe from €519! Outbound from Brussels to Caracas on the 6th of September returning from South America back to Europe on the 15th of September 2024.

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