If you are interested in this deal, the best cheap flights depart Spain to the USA between February and June 2020. Dates may vary with the destination airport. You will need either a U.S. visa or ESTA to enter the USA (charged at $14 per person and you must arrange it before departing). Max stay is 3 months with an ESTA.
Cheap flights from Barcelona to Chicago are marked with an expiry date of 26th of January. This will vary by destination. You can then book this deal directly with Iberia, or when you have your dates, head over to your preferred travel agent to complete the booking.
Booking sample
Cheap flights from Barcelona to the USA with Iberia from €218 (booking with the airline)
Barcelona to Chicago from €218
Barcelona to Orlando from €239
Barcelona to San Jose, California from €264 (with British Airways)
Barcelona to Philadelphia from €297
Barcelona to Los Angeles from €303
Barcelona to Washington D.C. from €328
Cheap options with budget airline partner Iberia for LEVEL:
Barcelona – Boston non-stop for €188 (with Iberia for LEVEL)
Barcelona to Boston from €194 (partly with Iberia for LEVEL)
Barcelona to New York from €197 non-stop (with Iberia for LEVEL)
Barcelona to San Francisco from €240 (partly with Iberia for LEVEL)
Plenty of other dates are available! Make use of the calendar options on your flight search engine find the best dates for you. You can find more information regarding the cheapest flights on the Iberia website.
Booking sample of cheap flights from Spain to the United States from €218! As per our booking your outbound flight from Barcelona to Chicago would be on the 17th of February returning on the 24th of February 2020.