Fly from Italy to Hawaii from €547!

Fly from Italy to Hawaii from €546 or Alaska €499!Based on American Airlines and their partners British Airways or Lufthansa / Air Canada you may consider to book cheap return flights either to exotic Hawaii when departing from Italy (Milan or Rome). Return flights to Honolulu or Maui are available already for €547! Limited travel options are available so you better hurry up with booking if you are interested to visit this exotic destination next winter season! 




If interested in this promotional sale with British Airways / American Airlines please look for flights in travel dates from 1st of November and 15th of December 2016 or 7th of January till 31st of March 2017. Max stay 3 months. Book by 13th of June 2016 or until sold out / fixed. The easiest way to check your connection possibilities to Italy is through Skyscanner. This tool gives you quickly a rough idea which low-cost airlines are connecting your home town. As there are many interesting routes available this is indeed an interesting solution to most of travellers within Europe looking for reasonable solution to this exotic destination.


Booking sample

Milan / Rome – Hawaii from €547  (based on Air Canada / Lufthansa)

Milan / Rome – Hawaii from €550  (based on British Airways / American Airlines)


Stockholm – Hawaii from €490


Due to change of an airport in London on your return flight you can easily skip last leg London – Italy and end your journey in UK. To check some cheap accommodation you may use hotel booking agents such as Hotelopia. (now ofering 6% promo code for additional discount. More details to be found here.) Another discounted hotel rooms are currently offered by or Venere.


Booking sample with American Airlines / British Airways below. Fly from Italy to Hawaii from €547! In this case you would be leaving from Milan to Honolulu on 31st of October 2016. You would be returning back from Hawaii to Europe on 14th of November 2016.

Fly from Italy to Hawaii from €547!


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