Flights from London to East Timor from £414!

Flights from London to East Timor from £493!

Trying to find reasonably priced return tickets from Europe to East Timor (Timor-Leste) is like looking for a needle in a haystack that´s why we have decided to prepare this solution for you. If you are tired of classic destinations in South East Asia how about to visit Timor-Leste, destination off the beaten track, offering beautiful unspoiled beaches, world class scuba diving, picturesque landscape also great destination for trekking.. With our solution based on promotional deal of China Southern Airlines from London to Bali from where you can book non-stop flight to Dili, capital city of East Timor. You can reach this destination already for £414 return including checked bag..



As mentioned this is just our suggestion how to build reasonably priced flights to this remote destination. Since you will have to book two separate tickets we have to recommend to arrive at least few days before your next flight to make sure you will not miss your next flight. Also note that our solution is based on flights in February and March. This is a wet season so check what is the weather like before you book this deal..Genarally best time to visit East Timor is from May to October. Availability of this solution is limited by the promotional deal to Bali (till end of March 2018). Flights between Denpasar Bali and Dili are based on Air TImor – however operated by Citilink Indonesia – low-cost airline and subsidiary of Garuda Indonesia.


Booking sample

London – Bali from £306

Bali – East Timor from £108


Sample itinerary

London – Bali on 22nd of February 2017

Bali to Dili on 25th of February

DIli to Bali on 6th of March

Bali to London on 8th of March


By this deal we just wanted to show you the way to reach East Timor with relatively low budget. If you find any good deal to Jakarta or Bali from your origin you can build your own itinerary. Another option would be flying to Kupang (Indinesia) from where it takes one day by bus to Dili.


Booking sample of Flights from London to East Timor from £414! In this case you would depart from the UK in February 2018 and returning from East TImor back to Europe in March 2018. Travel dates as per our sample itinerary above.

Flights from London to East Timor from £414!

Tips for cheap flights and promo deals
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