Althought this is not shockingly good offer it is still quite rare to see fairly priced deals from Spain to Bali and if you can spot some it is probably based on Xiamen Airlines or China Eastern and involves some crazy long layovers on your way…If you appreciate fairly priced flights on this route based on top ranked Etihad Airways check out below details. Return flights from Madrid to Denpasar Bali are available from €. There are two layovers in Abu Dhabi and Kuala Lumpur or Singapore. Local leg in Asia is based on Etihad partners Garuda Indonesia or Malaysia Airlines..
Etihad offers the cheapest flights when departing from Madrid to Denpasar Bali from 2nd of May to 27th of June 2019. Based on date of your outbound flight. Promotion is running till 1st of April. Max stay in Indonesia one month. Below you can refer to our booking as well as few travel date samples based on 5* Etihad Airways.
Booking sample
Madrid – Denpasar Bali from €514
Travel samples
3. – 16.5.
5. – 19.5.
12. – 27.5.
27.5. – 11.6.
30.5. – 13.6.
6. – 20.6.
11. – 25.6.
18..6. – 2.7.
25.6. – 14.7.
Travel dates
We recommend you firstly compare the cheapest flights via Google Flights. The tool gives you almost instant result and you can easily browse throughout all the months. You can then book this deal directly with Etihad Airways or your preferred booking agent. Need affordable hotel in Denpasar Bali book your accommodation via or
Booking sample of Etihad return flights from Madrid to Denpasar Bali, Indonesia from €514! As per above link you would leave from Europe to this tropical destination in Asia on 25th of June. Return from Bali back to Spain on 16th of July 2019.