Etihad flights from Zurich to Manila, Philippines from €429!

Etihad flights from Zurich to Manila, Philippines from €450!


Treat yourself to the luxury service of premium airline Etihad and book affordable return flights from Switzerland to Manila, to the capital city of the Philippines. Roun-trip ticket incl. all taxes and fees and checked bag is now available from €429. This is, of course in case of any Etihad promotions, a full-service deal incl. checked luggage in base fare. Flights have one layover in Abu Dhabi on the way to and from this country in Asia…


Flying from: Zurich

Flying to: Manila

Airline(s): Etihad Airways

Luggage: 1x23kg bag

Travel period: From late August 2021 until January 2022  (excl. Christmas)

Book by: Unknown


Booking samples

Zurich to Manila, Philippines for €483 (Book with Etihad)

Zurich to Manila from €429


Booking sample of Etihad Airways flights Switzerland to Manila, Philippines from €429! You would fly from Zurich to Manila on the 7th of November. Your return flight from Asia back to Europe would be then on the 19th of November 2021. Considering this is on 4-star Etihad Airways this is a great opportunity to enjoy their service just do not miss this opportunity while Etihad Airways special promotion lasts…

Etihad flights from Zurich to Manila, Philippines from €429!

Tips for cheap flights and promo deals
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