4* Etihad Airways flights to the Maldives from Moscow from just €356!


Another great promo tariff base o the service of premium Etihad Airways from Russia is available to the tropical Maldives! Cheap return flights from Moscow to Malé also in the first half of 2022 are available from just €356 return! You can also book this deal directly with Etihad for €424. Looking for an exotic yet relatively affordable holiday destination this is an excellent choice thanks to the 4*-rated Etihad Airways promotion. All prices include taxes, fees, in-flight entertainment, meals, hand luggage, and checked luggage.


Flying from: Moscow

Flying to: Malé

Airline(s): Etihad Airways

Luggage: 1x23kg bag

Travel period: January to June 2022

Max stay: 1 month

Book by: 23rd of January

If you want to be on the safe side and book your hotel in the Maldives in advance we recommend Booking.com or Hotels.com.


Booking sample 

Moscow to Malé, the Maldives from €416  (booking with Etihad)

Moscow to Malé, the Maldives from €356

Moscow to Seychelles from €359

Moscow to South East Asia from €356


Booking sample of cheap 4* Etihad Airways flights to the Maldives from Moscow from just €356! As per our booking sample, you would depart from Russia to Malé on the 7th of May. Inbound flight from this famous tropical beach destination in Asia back to Moscow would be on the 21st of May 2022.

4* Etihad Airways flights to the Maldives from Moscow from just €356!

Tips for cheap flights and promo deals
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