Etihad Airways cheap flights from Belgrade to China from €373!

Etihad Airways cheap flights from Belgrade to China from €389!Another good solution from Serbia based on 4-star carrier Etihad Airways this time return flights either to Beijing! This solution may require a longer layover in Abu Dhabi on your inbound leg so this is a good option for those of you who would like to visit this city. Etihad Airways cheap flights from Belgrade to China are now available from €373! Booking multi-stop in the United Arab Emirates is available for an additional approx €30.



If interested in this Etihad Airways promotional sale you will find plenty of travel options from February to 30th of June or 1st of September to 13st of December 2020. Based on the date of your outbound flight from Europe to China. Max stay for 3 months. Compare the cheapest travel dates on the airline´s website. Etihad Airways discounted flights are valid for bookings made until the 26th of February or until the lowest tariff lasts…


Booking samples

Belgrade – Beijing from €446  (Book with Etihad)

Belgrade – Beijing from €373


You can compare travel dates directly at Etihad Airways then book via your preferred booking agent. (Direct booking with the carrier is available for €446). Need to book a hotel room in China we recommend


Booking sample of promotional deals with Etihad Airways cheap flights from Belgrade to China from €373! You would depart from Serbia to Beijing on the 10th of May. Your inbound flight from Asia back to Europe would be then on the 26th of May 2020. As mentioned longer layover in Abu Dhabi is mandatory to reach the lowest fare available. On the other hand, this is a great opportunity to visit another country during your trip and book greatly discounted Etihad Airways flights during their latest promotional sale.

Etihad Airways cheap flights from Belgrade to China from €373!

Tips for cheap flights and promo deals
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