Promo tariff with Etihad allows booking the cheapest flights to Manila when departing from Belgrade from the 5th of September to the 5th of December 2020. Max stay for 3 months. Etihad discount is available for bookings made by the 31st of May or until the cheapest flights to the Philippines have sold out.
Booking sample
Belgrade – Manila from €383 (Book with Etihad. Consider free two-night stopover in Abu Dhabi!)
Brussels – Manila from €450 (Qatar Airways promotion)
Booking sample of Return flights from Belgrade to Manila, the Philippines on board of Etihad from €349! Outbound from Serbia to this beautiful country in South East Asia on the 7th of November. Return from Manila to Europe via Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates two weeks later, on the 21st of November 2020.