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Business Class Etihad Airways flights from Spain to Dhaka, Bangladesh for €1126!

Business Class Etihad Airways flights from Spain to Dhaka, Bangladesh for €1126!

More Etihad Business Class deals are available from Spain. This time experienced travelers that are looking for not the most common destination may consider these extremely low-priced Business Class deals from Spain to Dhaka, Bangladesh available for €1126 which is more than a half of the usual price on this route moreover based on well-ranked Etihad offering one of the top Business Class products on the market.


Etihad Airways Business Class flights to Dhaka are available when departing from Europe from March to October 2022. Max stay for 3 months. Etihad Airways Business Class promotion to Bangladesh is running until the 1st of March 2022 or available until the cheapest seats have sold out.


Booking samples

Spain to Dhaka from €1199  (Book with Etihad)

Barcelona to Dhaka for €1126

Madrid to Dhaka for €1126


Fare Class: Business (Z)

Plane(s):  B787-10 or B777

Seating: 1-2-1

Travel period: March to October 2022 (excl. Summer Holidays)

Travel dates: The fastest is to compare all the cheapest flights on the website of Etihad Airways.

Etihad promo code: Take advantage of this currently working discount when making your purchase directly with Etihad Airways.


Booking sample of Etihad Business Class flights from to Dhaka, Bangladesh for €1126. As per the above, your outbound flight from Madrid to Dhaka will be on the 10th of May returning from South East Asia to Europe on the 21st of May 2022.

Business Class Etihad Airways flights from Spain to Dhaka, Bangladesh for €1126!

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