Last-minute direct flights from Frankfurt, Germany to Montego Bay, Jamaica for €358!

Last-second direct flights from Frankfurt, Germany to Montego Bay, Jamaica for €397!


Flexible travelers planning to visit famous Jamaica in the Caribbean Sea may consider this last-minute deal based on Condor Flugdienst. Direct flights from Frankfurt, Germany to Montego Bay, Jamaica are available for €358. This is for a round-trip flight including all taxes and fees, meals, and handbags. To book your accommodation in Jamaica you may use You can compare the best prices for car rental in this destination via


Flying from: Frankfurt

Flying to: Montego Bay

Airline(s): Condor Flugdienst

Luggage: Handbag

Travel period: February 2024

Max stay: Unknown

Book by: Unknown


Booking samples  

Frankfurt to Montego Bay for €358


Travel samples

04.02. – 14.02.

07.02. – 14.02.


Booking sample of cheap flights from Germany to Jamaica for €358 below. In this case, you would be departing from Frankfurt to Montego Bay on the 4th of February and returning from the Caribbean to Germany on the 14th of February 2024.

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