Cheap return flights from London to San Francisco from £259!

Cheap return flights from London to San Francisco from £258!Based on service of Oneworld airlines British Airways, Finnar or American Airlines you may consider to book very cheap return flights from London to San Francisco now alreay for £259! This is including all taxes and fees. There is no checked-in bag in base fare thought..Flights have one short layover on your way in Helsinki or Chicago. We are also adding non-stop solution to California either on Star Alliance (United) to San Francisco but also non-stop flights on Oneworld airlines to Los Angeles or San Jose. This option is available from £289 roundtrip. Simply refer to our below booking samples currently plenty of travel options available at the lowest fare..



Oneworld airlines promotion is valid for flights departing from London Heathrow to San Francisco from 25th of April to 21st of May or 27th of August 2019 to 29th of February 2020. Max stay 12 months..Book this discount with British Airways. American Airlines, Finnair by 15th of April or until the cheapest seats last..


Booking sample

London – San Francisco from £259

London – San Francisco from £281  (Non-stop flight)


See also our previous deal…British Airways non-stop flights London – San Jose, California from £290.


Travel samples

29.4. – 6.5.

12 . -19.5.

11. – 28.5.

20.5. – 4.6.

30.8. – 6.9.

15. – 22.9.

22. – 29.9.

13.  -20.10.

9. – 16.11.

16. – 23.11.

7. – 14.12.

11.  -25.1.

8 . 15.2.


Travel dates.: We recommend to firstly compare the cheapest flights via Google Flights. The tool gives you almost instant result and you can easily browse throughout all the months. You can then book this deal directly with British Airways or your preferred booking agent.


You can save some decent money off accommodation in San Francisco when using following offers. 10% promotion code

Hotelopia 6% promo code


Booking sample of cheap return flights from London to San Francisco from £259! In this case you would be departing from London Heathrow to San Francisco on Saturday, 11th of May. Your return flight from United States of America back to the United Kingdom would be on 28th of May 2019.

Cheap return flights from London to San Francisco from £259!

Tips for cheap flights and promo deals
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