Non-stop flights from Stockholm to Beijing from just €349 return!

Non-stop flights from Stockholm to Beijing from just €349 return!Another bargain deal from Scandinavia to China this time cheap non-stop flights from Stockholm to Beijing. You can now purchase round trip non-stop tickets on Star Alliance carrier Air China from just €349 incl. all taxes and hold bag. Plenty of travel options at the lowest fare available in below mentioned travel period and you can easily compare all travel dates directly at the airline. (Or book directly with the carrier if you prefer).



Air China deal is available when traveling from Stockholm to Beijing from the 16th of February to the 4th of June 2020. Blackout dates around Easter Holidays. Max stay for 3 months but all travel must be completed by the 4th of July. The discount is valid for bookings made by the 7th of January 2020. You can easily compare all the cheapest travel dates to Beijing on the website of Air China. Please refer to our below booking sample if interested in this offer.


Booking sample

Stockholm – Beijing from €349


To check your connection possibilities to below cities we recommend using the service of Skyscanner. This tool gives you quickly an idea which airlines are available from your home town. Need affordable accommodation in Beijing, China we recommend the service of or


Booking sample of cheap non-stop flights from Stockholm to Beijing from just €349 return! The date of your outbound flight is the 9th of March. Return from China back to Sweden on the 23rd of March 2020.Non-stop flights from Stockholm to Beijing from just €349 return!

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