Cheap flights from Paris to Macau already for €367 roundtrip!

Cheap flights from Paris to Macau already for €367 roundtrip!Cheap flights from Paris to Macau already for €367 roundtrip based on promotion if Xiamen Airlines. (Members of SkyTeam alliance). Macau is former Portuguese colony, nowadays one of two special regions of China. Macau is also known as “Chinese Las Vegas” due to the concentration of casinos and general tolerance of gambling. Also the advantage could be that most of EU citizes may entere Macau without visa requirements. 


Xiamen Airlines offer the cheapest flights when departing from Paris to Macau from 28th of April to 18th of June 2019. Max stay 1 month. Promotion is running till 31st of March. Below you can refer to our booking as well as most of the cheapest travel dates available..You can book your accommodation in Macau via or


Travel dates.: We recommend to firstly compare the cheapest flights via Google Flights. The tool gives you almost instant result and you can easily browse throughout all the months. You can then book this deal directly with Xiamen Airlines or your preferred booking agent.


Booking samples

Paris – Macau from €367


See also our solution from Paris to Borneo from €377 roundtrip.


Travel samples Paris – Macau – Paris

21.4. – 8.5.

28.4. – 13.5.

7. – 13.5.

9. – 20.5.

14. – 22.5.

19.5. – 3.6.

21. – 29.5.

26.5. – 10.6.

2. – 12.6.

9. – 19.6.

18. – 26.6.


Booking sample of cheap flights from Paris to Macau already for €367 roundtrip! In this case you would depart from France to Macau on 19th of May. Your return flight from Macau back to Paris would be on 3rd of June 2019.

Cheap flights from Paris to Macau already for €367 roundtrip!

Tips for cheap flights and promo deals
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