The cheapest flights with TACV Cabo Verde Airlines from Italy to Angola are available when departing in December 2019 or beginning of January 2020. You will also find some good deals up to June 2020..We have not managed to find further restrictions of this TACV promotion. Below you can refer to our booking samples. To check your connection possibilities we recommend to use Skyscanner tool. If interested please refer to our booking and few travel date samples below..Interested in current Cabo Verde Airlines sale from Italy check out this deal from Rome to Porto Alegre, Brazil available also over Christmas Holidays.
Booking samples
Travel days
Oubound: Monday or Friday
Inbound: Wednesday or Saturday
Travel samples
9 . -25.12.
13. -22.12.
16. – 29.12.
23.12. – 5.1.
30.12. – 12.1.
3. – 15.1.
6. – 19.1.
For your trip to Luanda, and possibly further afield in Angola, book your accommodation over at or now for the best rates.
Booking sample of cheap flights from Italy to Luanda, Angola from €292 return! As per our booking your outbound flight from Milan Malpensa to Luanda would be on the 23rd of December 2019. Inbound flight from Angola back to Italy on 5th of January 2020.