Deal with Air China is available when traveling in November and first half of December 2019. Book your ticket by 2nd of June or until the cheapest seats last..At this moment quite limited availability in said travel period so hurry up with this one if you want to book the cheapest flights from Europe to New Zealand..
Tip.: In some cases you are eligible to get free hotel during a layover in China. To check further details simply follow to this article.
Booking samples
Dusseldorf – Auckland from €595
Frankfurt – Auckland from €615
Stockholm – Auckland from €600
Copenhagen – Auckland from €640
Travel dates.: You can compare the cheapest flights directly with Air China then book it directly with the airline or with your preferred booking agent. You can secure your hotel in Auckland in advance via or
Booking sample of cheap flights from Switzerland, Germany or Paris to Auckland, New Zealand from €548! In this case you would depart from Geneva to New Zealand on 9th of November. Inbound from Auckland back to Europe via Beijing on Saturday, 23rd of November 2019.