Cheap flights from Rome to Sao Paulo from €350 return! (Non-stop service!)

Cheap flights from Rome to Sao Paulo from €337 return!LATAM Airlines Group (together with their partners) offer discounted return flights from Rome to Sao Paulo. For limited travel dates you can book roundtrip flights on said route already for €350 incl. all taxes and fees and onboard meals as well as checked luggage up to 23kg. Some of the flights may have one layover in Frankfurt or Madrid on your way. However for similar price you can find flights with direct service in both directions so make sure you choose proper routing..



As mentioned LATAM AIrlines offer very limited availability at the lowest fare. Look for flights in February or March 2019. Based on latest date of your outbound flight from Italy to Brazil. Below you can find our booking as well as few travel date samples. You can compare all the cheapest flights Rome-Sao Paulo directly at website of the carrier.


Booking sample

Rome – Sao Paulo from €350  (LATAM – make sure you choose tariff “Plus” as it is including checked bag and is being quoted for same price as the lowest tariff “Light” which does not include checked luggage. You can book this deal directly with LATAM for €375)

Rome – Sao Paulo from €371  (Alitalia)


Travel samples

7. – 14.2.

9. – 16.2.

11. – 18.2.

13. – 21.2.

15. – 22.2.

16. – 23.2.

18. – 25.2.

15. – 24.3.

17. – 25.3.

20. – 27.3.

21. – 28.3.


Need affordable hotel in Brazil book your accommodation via or If you have booked these cheap flights from Rome to Sao Paulo you can also compare best prices for car rental in this destination via


Booking sample of cheap flights from Rome to Sao Paulo from €350 return! In htis case you would depart from Italy to Brazil on Friday, 15th of March. Return from South America back to Europe (direct service) on Sunday, 24th of March 2019.

Cheap flights from Rome to Sao Paulo from €350 return! (Non-stop service!)

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