Return flights to Cameroon from the UK £335, France €352 or Germany €390!

Return flights to Cameroon from the UK £349, France €362 or Italy €422!Experienced travellers have a chance to book discounted flights to Cameroon on board of Star Alliance member Brussels Airlines or Air France (SkyTeam). Roundtrip flights from France or United Kingdom to Yaoundé, capital city of this African country or to Douala, the largest city in Cameroon, are now available from €352 or £335. This deal should be still considered by a bit more experienced travellers and we can not recommend to book the flights to those who have not visited Africa yet. 



Air France promo sale is valid for flights departing in travel period between January and June also September and November 2019. Brussels Airlines promotion is available January to June. Blackout period around Christmas holidays. Book Air France discounted flights by 21st of January or until sold out. Max stay 3 months. In any case please read carefully all requirements and mandatory vaccination (such as Yellow Fewer) before you book this deal.


If interested look for flights departing from London, Manchester, Edinburgh or Birmingham. From France you can fly from Paris, Lyon or Marseille and Italy from Milan, Rome or Venice. At this moment almost any date works for this low price..


Booking samples

UK – Look for flights from London, Manchester, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Newcastle or Southampton.

UK – Yaoundé or Douala from £335


France – Look for flights from Paris, Nice, Lyon, Bordeaux, Toulouse or Strasbourg, Bordeaux,  Toulouse.

France – Douala or Yaoundé from €352


Germany – Look for flights from Hamburg, Berlin, Munich, Stuttgart, Frankfurt or Dusseldorf.

Germany – Douala or Yaoundé from €390


See also:

UK – Worldwide destinations from £336 (Air France global sale)

UK – Johannesburg from £310

France – Uganda or Rwanda from €288

France or Germany – Johannesburg from €307

Germany – Uganda from €318


Booking sample of cheap return flights to Cameroon from the UK £335, France €379 or Italy €394! In this case you would be leaving from Manchester to Douala on 9th of March. Your return flight from Africa back to Europe would be then on 17th of March 2019.

Return flights to Cameroon from the UK £335, France €352 or Germany €390!

Tips for cheap flights and promo deals
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