Cheap non-stop flights from Edinburgh to Chicago from just £241!

Cheap non-stop flights from Edinburgh to Chicago from just £241!

Based on Air Canada promotion (However you would fly on board of their Star Alliance partner United) you can book very cheap non-stop flights from the United Kingdom (Edinburgh) to Chicago from just £241 roundtrip! (Incl. all taxes, meals and handbag. Checked luggage for and an extra fee). Limited availability also in spring or August 2020…



If interested look for flights departing from Edinburgh to New York in May or late August to September 2020. Max stay for 3 months. Below you can refer to our booking sample and few travel options. Star Alliance promotion is currently available until the 15th of March 2020. Below you can refer to our booking and travel date samples.


Booking samples

Edinburgh – Chicago from £241

Edinburgh – Chicago from £244  (August 2020)

London – USA from £237 (BA)


Travel samples from Edinburgh

9. – 22.5.

10. – 23.5.

14. – 27.5.

15. – 28.5.

17. – 30.5.

18. – 31.5.

19.5. – 1.6.

28.5. – 10.6.

12. – 25.8.

18.8. – 3.9.

25.8. – 10.9.

29.8.-  11.9.

5. – 18.9.

6. – 20.9.

12. – 25.9.

16. – 29.9.


Booking sample of cheap non-stop flights from Edinburgh to Chicago from just £241! In this case, you would depart from the United Kingdom to the United States of America on the 9th of May. Your return flight from Chicago back to Edinburgh would be on the 22nd of May 2020.Cheap non-stop flights from Edinburgh to Chicago from just £241!

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