Cathay Pacific offers the cheapest flights from Ireland to Australia when departing from |Dublin from the 6th of August to the 17th of September 2020. Based on the date of your outbound flight from Ireland to Australia. Max stays for 2 months.
Bookings need to be made before the 17th of May or until these tickets have sold out. You can book these flights by visiting the Cathay Pacific website, or by going to the website of your preferred online travel agent.
Booking samples
Dublin to Australia for €753 (When booking with the airline)
Other dates are available! The easiest way to check your connection possibilities is through flight search engines and the calendar feature. The tool gives you quickly a rough idea of which low-cost airlines are connecting your home town.
Booking sample of a cheap 5* Cathay Pacific cheap flights from Dublin to Australia (Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane) from €693! In this case, you would be departing from Ireland to Sydney on the 7th of September. Returning from Australia back to Dublin via Hong Kong on the 22nd of September 2020.