Return Oneworld flights from many cities in Germany to Philadelphia from €316!

Return British Airways flights from many cities in Germany to Philadelphia from €211!


You can currently book cheap return flights to Philadelphia from the main airports in Germany for just €316! The prices we’ve seen for this route to Pennsylvania are for flights operated by Oneworld partner airlines. Most flights have you flying with American Airlines or British Airways on at least one leg, though you may also be flying with Iberia depending on the dates and times you choose. The flights we have seen are for the first half of 2024. All prices are for a roundtrip and inclusive of taxes, fees, and hand luggage. Hold luggage is available for an additional fee.


Flying from: Berlin, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Stuttgart. Hannover, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne

Flying to: Philadelphia

Airline(s): British Airways, American Airlines

Luggage: Handbag

Outbound travel dates: February to May or November 2024

Max stay: 3 months

Book by: Unknown


Booking sample

Germany to Philadelphia from €336  (book with British Airways)

Munich to Philadelphia for €316

Berlin to Philadelphia for €316

Hannover to Philadelphia for €322

Frankfurt to Philadelphia for €328  (or fly non-stop with Eurowings for €413)

Hamburg to Philadelphia for €328

Dusseldorf to Philadelphia for €336

Stuttgart to Philadelphia for €336

Cologne to Philadelphia for €338


You can book your accommodation in the United States of America via


Booking sample of cheap British Airways flights from Germany to Philadelphia for €316. As per our booking, your outbound flight from Munich to Philadelphia International Airport would be on the 4th of March returning from the USA back to Germany on the 18th of March 2024.

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