Good opportunity for travelers in the UK to fly to South East Asia in the coming months! Return flights from many cities in the United Kingdom to Singapore are available for only £331! As long as you can travel only with hand luggage this is the final price for a roundtrip ticket including taxes and onboard meals. Checked luggage is available for an extra fee. Discount is based on the service of SkyTeam partners Air France and KLM with one usually short layover in Amsterdam or Paris. This sale includes small local airports so check this promotion especially if you appreciate departures from other cities than just from London. You will find the cheapest flights when departing from Southampton, Birmingham, Inverness, London, Glasgow, Newcastle, Edinburgh or Cardiff. You can book your flight directly with Air France and KLM. Or check with your preferred travel agency to see their best price.
Flying from: Southampton, Birmingham, Inverness, London, Glasgow, Newcastle, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Norwich, Durham
Flying to: Singapore
Airline(s): Air France-KLM
Luggage: Handbag
Travel period: September to November 2022
Max stay: 3 months
Book by: 31st of May
Booking samples
UK to Singapore for £337 (booking directly with the airline)
Birmingham to Singapore for £331
Southampton to Singapore for £356
Newcastle to Singapore for £358
Inverness to Singapore for £376
Edinburgh to Singapore for £380
Other cheap dates are available! Use the search tools on your preferred booking site to check for other dates you can travel on.
Booking sample of super cheap Air France-KLM flights from many UK cities to Singapore for £331! As per the above link to this promo deal, you would depart from Southampton to this classic destination in South Esat Asia on the 10th of November. Inbound from Singapore back to the United Kingdom on the 20th of November 2022.