Cheap flights from Oslo to Bali or Jakarta, Indonesia with Air France-KLM from €373!

Cheap flights from Oslo to Bali or Jakarta, Indonesia with Air France-KLM from €406!


Based on 4* SkyTeam airlines Air France or KLM and their local partners Garuda Indonesia and/or Jetstar you can book some cheap return flights from Oslo to tropical Bali, a classic destination in Indonesia! The cheapest return flights with two layovers on the way (in Paris or Amsterdam and in Singapore) are available from just €373. You can also book very affordable flights to Jakarta available from €413. This is excluding checked luggage in base fare only available for an extra fee otherwise this is for a roundtrip ticket incl. taxes, meals and handbags. Limited availability so hurry up if you want to take advantage of this Air France-KLM promotional and explore this exotic holiday destination in South East Asia!


Flying from: Oslo

Flying to: Denpasar Bali, Jakarta

Airline(s): Air France-KLM, Garuda Indonesia, Jetstar

Luggage: Handbag only

Travel period: late April to June 2021

Book by: Unknown


Booking samples

Oslo to Indonesia from €415  (booking with Air France-KLM)

Oslo to Bali from €373

Oslo to Jakarta from €413


Booking sample of cheap flights from Oslo to Bali or Jakarta, Indonesia with Air France-KLM from €373! You would depart from Norway to Denpasar Bali on the 2nd of May and returning from this famous tropical paradise in Indonesia to Europe on the 12th of May 2021.

Cheap flights from Oslo to Bali or Jakarta, Indonesia with Air France-KLM from €373!

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