Air France-KLM offers the cheapest flights when departing from Germany to Windhoek, Namibia in February, March or June 2020. Max stay for 4 months. Book this Air France-KLM promotion by the 5th of February or valid until the cheapest flights have sold out. At this moment there is good availability in said travel period. You can compare all the cheapest flights on the website of the airlines.
Booking samples
Dusseldorf – Windhoek from €439
Frankfurt – Windhoek from €447
Stuttgart – Windhoek from €448
Nuremberg – Windhoek from €449
Booking sample of cheap KLM flights from main airports in Germany to Windhoek, Namibia from €433 return! In this case, you would be departing from Hamburg to Africa on the 3rd of March. Your return flight from Namibia back to Germany would take place on the 21st of March 2020.