Tips for cheap flights and promo deals

Full-service return flights to Manila, the Philippines from Frankfurt, Germany for €499!

Full-service return flights from Budapest to Manila, the Philippines for €538!


If you are able to depart in May 2024 we have some great options for anybody near Frankfurt willing to explore the beautiful Philippines this spring which is a great time to visit this country! Star Alliance member Air China is offering the cheapest flights from Frankfurt or Munich to Manila for €499. This is a full-service deal including taxes, meals, handbags as well as checked-in luggage.


Flying from: Frankfurt, Munich

Flying to:  Manila

Airline(s): Air China

Luggage: 1x23kg bag

Outbound travel dates: June and September to November 2023 or January to March 2024

Max stay: 12 months

Book by: Unknown


Booking samples

Europe to the Philippines for €525  (booing with Air China)

Frankfurt to Manila for €499

Munich to Manila for €518


Booking sample of cheap Air China flights to the Philippines for €499 return! Outbound flight from Frankfurt to Manila on the 21st of May. Inbound from South East Asia to Europe via China on the 7th of June 2024.

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