Cheap non-stop flights from Dublin to Vancouver, Canada from €301! (Aug-Oct 2020)

Cheap non-stop flights from Dublin to Vancouver, Canada from €301!

Planning to visit western Canada at the end of the summer season you may consider this deal from Dublin to Vancouver. The cheapest non-stop flights are based on a Star Alliance airline Air Canada and available from just €301. All prices shown are for a round-trip flight incl. taxes, meals, and handbags. Checked luggage for an extra fee. If you are flexible and can book your next flight to Canada in advance this is some excellent offer to visit this part of Canada in the main tourist season. We are also adding another solution from Cork now available from €349.



If interested in this deal with Star Alliance / Oneworld / KLM you will find limited travel options from the 24th of August to the 12th of October. Based on the date of your inbound flight from Canada to Ireland.  Below you will find our booking as well as a few travel samples. Promotions are running until the end of April or available until the cheapest seats have sold out.


Booking samples

Dublin – Vancouver from €362  (booking with Air Canada)

Dublin – Vancouver from €301


Travel samples from Dublin

24.8. – 7.9.

31.8. – 14.9.

3. – 16.9.

7. – 21.9.

10. – 23.9.

14. – 28.9.

17. – 30.9.

21.9. – 5.10.

24.9. – 7.10.

28.9. – 12.10.

6. – 12.10.


You can book your accommodation through Or you can consider this promotion code.


Booking sample of cheap non-stop flights from Dublin to Vancouver, Canada from €301! You would depart on the 24th of August and return from Western part of Canada to Europe on the 7th of September 2020.

Cheap non-stop flights from Dublin to Vancouver, Canada from €301!

Tips for cheap flights and promo deals
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