Cheap return flights from Amsterdam to Honduras for €347!

Cheap return flights from Amsterdam to Honduras for €402!


Currently, there is a quite rare sale from the Netherlands to Honduras in Central America available with a SkyTeam member AeroMexico. Return flights from Amsterdam to San Pedro Sula with one layover in Mexico City are available for €347. The base fare included all airport taxes, onboard meals, and handbag. Checked luggage is available for an extra fee.


Flying from: Amsterdam

Flying to: San Pedro Sula

Airline(s): AeroMexico

Luggage: Handbag

Travel period: August to November 2021

Book by: Unknown


Booking samples

Amsterdam to Honduras for €347



You can book your accommodation in Honduras via Also, you can further discount your hotel when using one of the following promo codes.

Hotelopia 6% discount


Booking sample of cheap return flights from Amsterdam to Honduras for €347! Your outbound date from The Netherlands to San Pedro Sula would be on the 8th of November. Inbound flight from this Central American country back to Amsterdam Schiphol airport on the 23rd of November 2021.

Cheap return flights from Amsterdam to Honduras for €347!

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