The cheapest return flights from Geneva to famous Mauritius from €273!

The cheapest return flights from Geneva to famous Mauritius from €279!Take the advantage of another crazy low priced deal from Geneva on Saudia (SkyTeam) this time to famous Mauritius! Round trip tickets are now available already for €273 incl. all taxes and checked bag. Note that you would have to accept one long layover in Jeddan on your inbound flight. At this moment you can not get tourist visa to Saudi Arabia. To not miss this the cheapest option from Europe to Mauritius (on classic airline) we have ever spotted..



If interested in this Saudia sale look for flights from 1st of January to 8th of March 2018. Based on date of your outbound flight from Switzerland to Mauritius. Promotion is available till end of January 2018 or until sold out..Below you can refer to our booking sample. Althought Mauritius is synonym of luxurious holidays it is still quite cheap exotic getaway. You can compare your accommodation in this destination via or


Booking sample

Geneva – Mauritius from €273

Geneva – India or South East Asia from €287


Travel samles to Mauritius

2. – 13.3.

12. – 27.3.

19.3. – 3.4.

26.3. – 7.4.


13. – 26.4.

16. – 28.4.

27.4. – 12.5.


Booking sample of the cheapest return flights from Geneva to famous Mauritius from €273! You would fly from Switzerland to Port Louis on 13th of April. Your inbound flight from this exotic holiday getaway to Europe would be then on 28th of April 2018.

The cheapest return flights from Geneva to famous Mauritius from €273!

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