Looking for an exotic getaway and you can depart in next few days do not miss this amazing deal based on charter carrier Condor. Based on their service you can now book super cheap last-minute (non-stop) flights from Cologne to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic for just €77. Moreover this is already including 20kg checked bag. Want to fly to Caribbean almost for free do not miss this unique opportunity! Be quick, this will surely be sold out in a minute..
*UPDATE* This deal has expired..
At this moment only one travel options is available. Look for flights departing from Cologne to Punta Cana on 25th of December and returning back from this Caribbean paradise on 1st of February 2018. Below our booking sample through German holiday server Expedia Charters.
Booking sample
Germany (Cologne) – Punta Cana, Dominican Republic for €77 (2 seats left)
The easiest way to check your connection possibilities is through Skyscanner. This tool gives you quickly a rough idea which low-cost airlines are connecting your home town. Considering this deal is available during next main tourist season in Caribbean this is an interesting option for many travellers in Europe looking for some cheap holiday escape to tropical Caribbean island… You can book your accommodation in tropical La Romana, Dominican Republic via Booking.com or consider these promo code released Hotels.com.
Booking sample of Super cheap last minute flights from Germany to Dominican Republic €77! In this case you would be flying from MunBerlin ch to Punta Cana on 25th of January. Your return flight from Caribbean back to Europe would take place on 1st of February 2018.