Return flights to New Delhi from Athens or Milan from €279!

Return flights to New Delhi from Athens, Budapest or Milan from €299!Looking for budget solution from Europe to India try service of Ukraine International Airlines offering service to New Delhi, their newest long haul destination. In most of the cases you would have to accept one day layover in Kiev on your way back from India to Europe so suggest to choose this solution only if you want to visit this city. (Check out our previous non-stop flights from Milan to India as well!). Return flights from Athens or Milan to New Delhi are available from €279 incl. checked bag. At this moment there is great availability over whole winter season 2018/2019 which is perfect time to visit New Delhi and considered as mani tourist season in India.


UIA is offering the lowest fares from 1st of November to 11th of December 2018 or 4th of Janaury to 16th of May 2019. Max stay 12 months and no further restrictions. Booking discounted flights is possible till end of the month or until the cheapest seats last..


Booking samples

Athens – New Delhi from €279

Milan – New Delhi from €293

London – New Delhi from £300


Non-stop flights from Milan to India however escluding checked in bag in base fare

Milan – New Delhi from €323  

Milan – Mumbai from €333

Milan – Bangkok from €352


Once you arrive to New Delhi you should have no problem to find cheap hotel room. (You can head to Main Bazaar street in Pahar Ganj area). If you still want to be on a safe side and book your accommodation in advance we recommend also consider promo code that offers Hotelopia or


Booking sample of Ukraine International Airlines promotion offering return flights to New Delhi from Athens, Budapest or Milan from €279! In this case you would depart from Greece to India on 2nd of November. Your return flight from this Asian country back to Europe would take place on Saturday, 17th of November 2018.

Return flights to New Delhi from Athens or Milan from €279!

Tips for cheap flights and promo deals
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