Return flights from Switzerland to the Kingdom of eSwatini from €495!

Return flights from Switzerland to the Kingdom of eSwatini from €495!Travelers in Switzerland have a rare chance to book fairly priced flights from Europe to the Kingdom of eSwatini based on service of British Airways, Virgin Atlantic and South African Airways. (Swaziland was oficially renamed to the Kingdom of eSwatini in ocassion of 50th anniversary of county´s indenpendence. Althought it might sound as an attempt to bring this country into the digital age in fact it refers to its original name before colonisation. Look for return flights from Basel, Geneva or Zurich to Kingd Mswati III International Airport, the only international airport in eSwatini accepting commercial flights. You can now purchase round trip tickets already for €495 with two layover in London and Johannesburg on your way..



You will find the cheapest flights with British Airways / Virgin Atlantic / South African Airways to eSwatini when departing from Switzerland to Manzini, King Mswati III. International airport from 8th of May to 14th of June or 8th of Septembrer to 30th of November 2018. This is based on date of your outbound flight from Europe. Max stay 12 months and blackout period around Summer or Christmas Holidays. Discounted air tickets are available till 3rd of May or until this Virgin Atlantic / British Airways promotional deal / the cheapest seats last..Below you can find our booking sample from each of the origin city.


Booking samples

Basel – Swaziland from €495

Geneva – Swaziland from €514

Zurich – Swaziland from €526


Travel samples

8. – 22.5.

1.6. – 17.6.

10. – 26.6.

14. – 29.6.

5. – 19.9.

9. – 23.9.

23.9. – 7.10.

29.9. – 14.10.

27.10. – 9.11.

28.10. – 11.11.

9. – 23.11.

11. – 25.11.

18.11. – 1.12.

24.11. – 9.12.

26.11. – 10.12.


If you want to visit this African country and you can not reach Switzerland that easily we suggest to look for flights to Johannesburg from there by bus to eSwahini.  If you will book this flight you surely need an accommodation in there. We recommend to use or Agoda.


Booking sample of Return flights from Switzerland to the Kingdom of eSwatini from €495! (Based on joint service of Virgin Atlantic, British Airways and South African Airways). Your outbound flight from Basel to eSwatini would be on 9th of September and inbound on 23rd of September 2018.

Return flights from Switzerland to the Kingdom of eSwatini from €495!

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