Return flights from Spain or Italy to Nosy Be, Madagascar from €520!

Return flights from Spain or Italy to Nosy Be, Madagascar from €520!Ethiopian Airlines offer once again an interesting solution from Europe to Nosy Be, amazing tropical beachside in Madagascar. This time the cheapest deals are from Spain (Madrid) or Italy (Milan, Rome). Round trip tickets to Nosy Be are available from €520 incl. all taxes and checked-in baggage. Looking for unique holiday destination this is very competititve solution as there are not many airlines calling this airport and tickets are significantly more expensive from most of the European airports.



Look for flights departing from Europe to Nosy Be in Madagascar from end of October to 12th of December 2018 or 21st of January to 6th of March 2019. Max stay 1 month. Book by end of June or until sold out. Below you can refer to our booking sample on each of mentioned routes. You can easily compare all the cheapest flights at website of Ethiopian Airlines. Need accommodation in Nosy Be we recommend or You can compare best prices for car rental in this destination via


Booking samples

Milan – Nosy Be from €520

Madrid – Nosy Be from €526

Rome – Nosy Be from €541


Italy – Antananarivo from €421


Booking sample of Return flights from Spain or Italy to Nosy Be, Madagascar from €520! You would depart from Milan to Nosy Be on 5th of November and return from Madagascar back to Europe on 20th of November 2018.

Return flights from Spain or Italy to Nosy Be, Madagascar from €520!

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