Return flights from London to remote Rarotonga, Cook Islands from £742!

Return flights from London to remote Rarotonga, Cook Islands from £820!Looking for possible trip of your lifetime to incredible Cook Islands in remote Oceania consider service of 5* Singapore AIrlines and their partner Air New Zealand. Return flights from London to Rarotonga, the largest and the most populous island of incredible Cook Islands  from £742 (€854). Flights have layover in Singapore and Australia. Are you paradise seeking travelers this is rarely visited destination offering pristine beaches and unique atmosphere that should be definitely on your wish list..with Singapore Airlines deal your dream may become reality..



Very limited availability at the lowest price thought. Look for flights in May, October and November 2018. Below you can refer to our booking and few travel options.


Booking sample

London – Rarotonga, Cook Islands from £742


Travel samples

3. – 17.5.

9. – 24.5.

16.5. – 2.6.

22.10. – 6.11.

24.10. – 8.11.

31.10. – 15.11.

7. – 22.11.

14. – 27.11.



Not only that the flights itself are not cheap to this remote destination also Cook Islands itself is not cheap either. We recommend or to make basic idea what are the prices for accommodation in Rrotonga like..


Booking sample of Singapore Airlines promotioin from the United Kingdom to amazing Cook Islands below. At this moment you can book return flights from London to remote Rarotonga, Cook Islands from £742! You would depart from London to Rarotonga on 31st of October and return from this exotic tropical archipelago in remote South Pacific Ocean on 15th of November 2018.

Return flights from London to remote Rarotonga, Cook Islands from £742!

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