Return flights from London or Amsterdam to Falkland Islands from £717 or €810!

Return flights from London or Amsterdam to Falkland Islands from £717 or €810!Lately we posted some rare deal from Italy to Falkland Islands, today we have for you more options from Europe to this remote destination in South America. You can fly either from London to Amsterdam to Falkland Islands alreaddy for £717 or €810. Extremly low availability thought so hurry up if this is your dream destination as it is one of the cheapest options we have ever spotted. This will be surely not a cheap journey in any case but if you are planning trip of your lifetime this is awesome option (Especially our multi-city solution to visit Argentina, Brazil and Falkland Islands at once…see more details below).



Very limited availability thought in November and December 2018 or February and March 2019. Below our booking sample on both routes. If you need our assistance you can also contact us at info )at)


Booking sample  (Choose Skyscanner UK or NL)

London – Falkland Islands from £717

Amsterdam – Falkland Islands from €810


As there are way too many laoyvers on your way we have prepared for you multi-city solution. On your way from the United Kingdom you would visit Argentina (Buenos Aires and Argentine Patagonia), Falkland Islands & Brazil. Flights on route London to Buenos Aires, Rio Gallegos, Mount Pleasant and Sao Paolo or Rio de Janeiro then back to London are available from £953. (You may spot even slightly cheaper solution but seems it is not bookable) This promotional offer is based on LATAM Group and Intercontinental leg from the UK to South America can be based on service of their Oneworld partner British Airways. (When you choose Rio de Janeiro i/o Sao Paulo in your itinerary).


Multi-city solution London – Buenos Aires – Rio Gallegos – Mount Pleasant – Brazil – London from £953 


Sample itinerary

London – Buenos Aires on 29th of October

Buenos Aires – Rio Galegos on 5th of November

Rio Galegos – Mount Pleasant on 10th of November

Mount Pleasant – Sao Paulo or Rio de Janeiro on 24th of November

Sao Paulo or Rio de Janeiro – London on 2nd of December


Booking sample of return flights from London or Amsterdam to Falkland Islands from £717 or €810! Your outbound flight from the United Kingdom to Mount Pleasant would be on 7th of November and inbound flight from this remote destination in South America back to Europe would be on Saturday, 24th of November 2018.

Return flights from London or Amsterdam to Falkland Islands from £717 or €810!

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