During the Qatar Airways sale in Business as well as Economy class you can book once again discounted flights from Scandinavia to Bali. This time travelers in Finland can book round-trip flights from Helsinki to Denpasar Bali already for €498. (Incl. all taxes and fees and checked bag). Flights may require longer layover in Doha on your inbound flight so it is up to you which routing you prefer..Experience service of 5-star Qatar Airways to tropical Bali, classic destination in Indonesia..
Qatar Airways sale to Bali is valid for bookings made till 16th of January. Max stay 6 months. Plenty of travel options from January till 10th December 2019. Blackout period during Summer Holidays. Below you can refer to our booking sample if interested in this attractive deal from Europe to famous Bali..
Booking sample
Travel dates vary by each of the origin city in Scandinavia. We recommend to compare your options directly at website of the Qatar Airways then book it either via your chosen booking agent or directly with airline. You can save some money using this QR discount code. Booking your hotel room in Bali is possible through Hotels.com or you can use this Booking.com promo deal.
Booking sample of cheap Qatar Airways return flights from Helsinki to Denpasar Bali, Indonesia from €498! Also as in our above link you would depart from Finland to this tropical paradise in Asia on 28th of April. Your return flight to Europe on this 5-star airline would be on 18th of May 2019.