Return flights from Dublin to Buenos Aires from €518!

Return flights from Dublin to Buenos Aires from €554!I don´t think we have ever posted any competitive deal from Ireland to South America so althought this is not shockingly good offer it is still very attractive solution for travelers in Ireland heading to Argentina also during local summer. Moreover this is based on well ranked Lufthansa / Swiss International Airlines with just one layover in Frankfurt / Zurich. (So this is straight flight from Europe to South America). Return flights from Dublin to Buenos Aires are now avilable from €518. The cheapest solution requires longer layover on your outbound flight but we are also adding just slightly more expensive solution with short layover. (However seems this is not available on a weekend departures)..Fare is for a round trip flight and inclusive of all taxes, in-flight meals and checked-in baggage.



Swiss Air Lines / Lufhtansa promo flights are available in limited quantity when traveling from 6th of February 2018 to 12th of December 2019. Including rare availability over Summer Holidays! Max stay 3 months. Discount applies to bookings made by 30th of January. (Or until the cheapest tariff is available). Below you will find our booking as well as few travel samples. You can also compare all possible travel dates at the lowest fare directly at website of Lufthansa or Swiss Air Lines.


Booking sample

Dublin – Buenos Aires from €553  (Directly with the airline)

Dublin – Buenos Aires from €518


Dublin – Sao Paulo / Rio de Janeiro from €463

France – Buenos Aires from €421

Germany – Buenos Aires from €553


Travel samples

6. – 13.2.

24.2. – 3.3.

11. – 18.3.

8. – 15.4.

6. – 13.5.

9. – 16.6.

15. – 29.7.

17. – 30.7.

19.8. – 2.9.

9. – 16.9.

14.  -21.10.

4. – 11.11.

25.11. – 12.12.

9. – 16.12.


Compare the chepaest accommodation via leading hotel booking sites such as or you can even use this discount code. If you have booked these cheap flights from Dublin to Buenos Aires you can also compare best prices for car rental in this destination via


Booking sample of Return flights from Dublin to Buenos Aires from €518! Also as per above flight deal you would depart from Ireland to Argentina on Wednesday, 17th of July. Inbound flight from South America back to Europe on Monday, 29th of July 2019.

Return flights from Dublin to Buenos Aires from €518!

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