Return flights from Benelux to Chile from €522!

Return flights from Benelux to Chile from €522!Another good option from Benelux based on Air France / KLM these days this time return flights to incredible South American country Chile. The cheapest option is available from Luxembourg (€522) but you can also find some fairly priced flights from Brussels (€530). All charges and fees and checked bag up to 23kgs are included. In most of the cases the cheapest option requires two layovers on your outbound flight but for just few € more you can book much more convenient schedule. Travellers in Italy can book even cheaper flights – check our updated entry we posted last week if intrerested in this option..



Our booking samples are based on direct booking with the carriers as it is currently the cheapest option so you can also easily compare travel options there. Look for limited availability between March and December 2017. Blackout period in July and August.


Booking samples

Luxembourg – Chile from €522

Brussels – Chile for €530  (Manual search, travel sample 21.5. – 7.6.)


Italy – Chile from €439


Booking sample of Air France / KLM return flights from Benelux to Chile from €522! In this case you would depart from Lux to Santiago de Chile on 19th of March. Your return flight from South America back to Europe would be then on 27th of March 2017.

Return flights from Benelux to Chile from €522!

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